How to Make a Complaint

Our Complaints Procedure

We want both our customers and our suppliers to have the best possible experience with us and we will work hard to resolve any issues that are brought to our attention. 

If you think we have fallen short in the standards you expect from us, we want to hear from you so that we can try to put things right.

We always hope that any issues can be resolved by our operational managers or by our Customer Relations team. However, if you are not satisfied with how your concerns are being managed, the procedure below explains how you can make a complaint and what we will do to ensure it is dealt with promptly.

YTL Developments

How to Raise A Complaint

You can raise a formal complaint with us either by email, by telephone or in writing by post: 

•    Email: 

•    Telephone: 0330 678 3375

•    Post: Complaints, c/o Office Manager, YTL Developments, Concorde House, 18 Concorde Road, Bristol, BS34 5TB

First Assessment & Response

When we receive a complaint, it will be investigated by the appropriate Head of Department at YTL Developments.

You can expect a formal response to your complaint within 28 calendar days of the date your complaint was made.

Escalation & Final Response

If you are unhappy with the response provided, you have the option to escalate your complaint to be reviewed by the appropriate Director.

You can expect a final response from us within a further 28 calendar days.

If we are unable to meet that deadline for any reason, we will advise you of when you can expect to hear a final response from us.

Seeking Further Support

Home Owners

For home owners, your NHBC New Homes Warranty includes access to their dispute resolution scheme. Further details can be found here:

If the complaint falls outside the warranty provider's terms of policy, you will be offered the opportunity to refer your complaint to the Consumer Code's Independent Dispute Resolution Scheme.

Under this scheme, an independent arbitrator could be asked to consider the complaint and provide a ruling as to what action is required. Further details can be found here:

You may also refer the matter to the Independent Dispute Resolution Scheme if you do not receive a response from us within 20 working days of your complaint being made or we fail to resolve the matter within 56 calendar days and/or the issue is not dealt within the agreed timescales.

Disputes can be referred at any point after the 56 days but must be no later than 12 months after receiving our final response.


For suppliers, contractors, agencies and consultants, please review the contractual terms of our engagement for specific details of how we may have agreed to resolve disputes with you.